Content Creator Cooks ‘Glass Skin’ Turon: “Mas maputi pa sayo”

Content Creator Cooks ‘Glass Skin’ Turon: “Mas maputi pa sayo”

A content creator goes viral online and earns praises from netizens for cooking a ‘Glass Skin’ turon: “Mas maputi pa sayo”

A photo shared by netizen Bryan Surdilla on social media has garnered various reactions after he showed his version of turon that appears to have a texture resembling “glass skin.” According to Bryan, he cooked the turon using a turbo broiler, which resulted in a unique texture.

“I’m a health conscious person. I dont wanna fry it and soak in oil so I tried to cooked it in turbo, I really didn’t expect the outcome. Yeah but still cooked, so I can eat and enjoy my turon now without any guild,” Bryan said.

Content Creator

Turon is a popular Filipino snack made of sliced bananas and jackfruit rolled in a wrapper, usually made of lumpia wrapper or filo dough, then deep-fried and coated with caramelized sugar.

However, Bryan’s version seems to have deviated from the usual appearance of turon, hence the attention it received on social media.

The term “glass skin” is a reference to a popular beauty trend in Korea, where one’s skin appears smooth, clear, and translucent like glass. In this case, the term was used to describe the unique texture of Bryan’s turon.

Content Creator

The photo has generated a lot of interest on social media, with some users expressing admiration for the creative twist on the traditional Filipino snack, while others were critical or even dismissive of the dish’s unconventional appearance.

The photo has a caption:

Turon guys niluto ko sa turbo, Tinurbo ni bry yung turon. Mas maputi pa sayo

The social media users expressed their reactions to the post:

Content Creator

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