Meet the Gods and Goddesses in Greek Mythology & their Roles
GODS AND GODDESSES IN GREEK MYTHOLOGY – Below is a full list of the characters in Greek myth and the roles of each.
Are you a fan of Greek Mythology? Due to the many gods and goddesses in Greek mythology stories, it is quite hard to memorize them all and their roles or what they are known for, isn’t it?
Meanwhile, if you are reviewing them, worry no more. Below, you can check the gods and goddesses in Greek mythology and their roles in the Greek myth stories that have hooked many people.
Greek Gods
- Poseidon – god of the sea
- Dionysus – crowd-pleaser
- Hermes – “pile of stones”
- Hephaestus – god of fire and forging
- Ares – god of war
- Apollo – god of literally everything
- Zeus – father of Greek gods and goddesses
- Achelous – god of the Achelous River
- Aeolus – god of the wind and king of the mythical island called Aiolia
- Aristaeus — minor god of animal husbandry, bee-keeping, and fruit trees
- Prometheus – “forethinker”
- Aether – the divine personification of the bright upper sky
- Agathodaemon – the “noble spirit,” a companion spirit of good fortune
- Alastor – god of family feuds and avenger of evil deeds
- Boreas — the ancient Grek god of the north wind
- Paean — the physician of the Olympian gods
- Castor — the demigod twin brother of Pollux
- Cerus — the divine personification of opportunity, luck, and favorable moments
- Chaos — also known as Erebus, the divine personification of darkness
- Charon — son of Chaos and Night who ferried souls over the Rivers Styx and Acheron
- Cronus — the leader of the first generation of Titans
- Dinlas — the god of hatred and also chaos
- Deimos — the divine personification of terror and dread
- Eros — the Greek god of carnal love
- Kratos — the divine personification of strength
- Priapus — minor rustic fertility god
- Helios — the sun god
- Hesperus — the divine personification of the evening star
- Hypnos — the divine personification of sleep
- Momus — the divine personification of satire and mockery
- Morpheus — the primordial Greek god of dreams
- Oceanus — the oldest Titan, father of 3000 stream spirits and 3000 ocean nymphs
- Pan — a fertility deity in, more or less, bestial form
- Pallas — the Titan god of battle and warcraft
- Phosphorus — the divine personification of the morning star
- Pontus — god of the deep sea
- Thanatos — minor god of death
- Triton — a merman, demigod of the sea
- Typhon — a Titan with power over the wind
- Zelus — god of dedication, emulation, jealousy, and zeal
Greek Goddesses
- Hera – very good queen
- Athena – power, wisdom, and reason
- Artemis – gender-neutral name meaning “butcher”
- Aphrodite – love
- Hestia – home and hearth
- Iris – rainbow
- Penelope – “weaver”
- Daphne – “laurel”
- Phoebe – pure, radiant, bright, shining
- Chloe – blooming
- Persephone – bringer of death
- Calliope – beautiful-voiced
- Anthea — goddess of flowers, gardens, marshes, and swamps
- Achelois — a minor moon goddess
- Alcyone — one of the seven Pleiades
- Alectrona — an early Greek goddess of the sun
- Alethea — goddess of truth
- Asteria — the Titan goddess of falling stars
- Astraea — known as the “Star Maiden”
- Atropos — eldest of the three Moirai, the goddesses of fate and dest
- Aura — titan goddess of the breeze and of the fresh, cool air of morning
- Bia — the goddess of force and unbridled energy
- Brizo — prophet goddess known to protect fishers, sailors, and other mariners
- Calypso — sea nymph who held Odysseus for several years on the island of Ogygia
- Circe — goddess of magic who transformed those who insulted her into beasts
- Clio — the muse of history
- Cybele — goddess of caverns, mountains, and wild animals
- Delia — an epithet of the Greek moon goddess, Artemis
- Doris — a sea nymph and mother of the Nereids
- Gaia — the Greek goddess of Earth, mother of all life
- Echo — a mountain nymph or oread
- Eileithyia — goddess of childbirth
- Electra — one of the Pleiades
- Elpis — the spirit and divine personification of hope
- Enyo — minor goddess of war and destruction
- Eos — a Titaness and goddess of the dawn
- Harmonia — goddess of harmony and concord
- Hebe — goddess of eternal youth
- Hecate — goddess of magic, witchcraft, and necromancy
- Ianthe — one o the Oceanids, or water-nymph daughters
- Irene — one of the Horae, the divine personification of peace
- Maia — one of the Pleiades and mother of Hermes
- Metis — Titan goddess of wisdom
- Nike — goddess of victory
- Nyx — the ancient Greek goddess of the night and one of the primordial gods
- Pheme — goddess of fame, gossip, and renown
- Rhea — the mother of the gods and the goddess of female fertility
- Selene — the divine personification of the moon
- Thalia — one of the nine muses, the patron of comedy
- Tyche — goddess of prosperity and fortune
- Xanthe — one of the Oceanids, or water-nymph daughters
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