A Primate Suspect: Monkey in US Dials 911

A Primate Suspect: Naughty Monkey Dials 911 in US

A Primate suspect – Los Angeles, California cops rushed a zoo after receiving a call from 911, only to find out it had been place by a mischievous monkey.

Dispatchers sent officers to conduct an investigation to a possible emergency, after receiving a call on Saturday night that has been disconnected.

Sherriff’s deputies in San Luis Obispo Country identified the call to the offices zoo, in conservation park 200 miles (320 kilometers) north of Los Angeles, but no human trouble have been identified.

Eager to identify who call 911, and determination to get to the bottom of the mystery, the cops began to investigate.

According to Philippines Star, the cops realized that the zoo has been the route of the Capuchin monkey as the result of the investigation was post by the sheriff’s to close the mystery.

Photo taken from Sci.News

“Apparently, Route had picked up the zoo’s cell phone… which was in the zoo’s golf cart… which is used to travel around the zoo’s 40 acre site.”, said a social media post by the office of the sheriff.

This naught monkey captured social media, after the news has been released about the mysterious call in 911, because after the cops arrived in the location no incidents happened.

In the United States, 911 known to be very active and responsive to all the calls they received 24/7, that is why the unknown call bother them and conducted an investigation to identify who made the call.

Only to find out that the capuchin monkey whose route is in the location of the zoon made the phone call in 911.

In a report, capuchins are exceptionally curious animals who enjoy prodding and pressing things they pick up.

The term “Capuchin” comes from their “caps” of hair, which resemble the cowls worn by Capuchin monks and are said to be among the most intelligent of the New World monkeys.

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