Types Of Speech Style – A Brief Explanation According To Martin Joos

Here’s a brief discussion of the types of speech style and the types of speech act.

TYPES OF SPEECH STYLE – This is a small discussion of the types of speech style and speech act that you should know.

Speech style, according to the definition given by Martin Joos, is the “form of language that the speaker uses which characterized by the degree of formality”. He identified these styles into five classes: frozen style, formal style, consultative style, casual style, and intimate style.

Types Of Speech Style

These are levels of formality based on situations and each level is determined through the language that is used appropriately in a specific context.

Here are the types:

  • Frozen Speech Style – the most formal and is the type that is used during formal events, ceremonies, or any respectful situations like anthems, marriage ceremonies, laws, and among others.
  • Intimate Speech Style – the language used between couples, families, and friends. This is used in conversations between people who have close relationships towards each other. The people involve can also understand each other through gestures such as raising of voice’s tone, grunt, or the raise of an eyebrow.
  • Formal Speech Style – This is a one way type of conversation where the listeners are not obliged to participate in the talk. Examples are announcements, State of the Nation Address (SONA), and among others.
  • Casual Speech Style – This is the speech you make with your friends, peers, or acquaintances. The words used are easily understood and situations under this type include phone calls, everyday conversation with a friends, chats, and the inside joke you make with a friend.
  • Consultative Speech Style – A semi-formal type of communication. The listener may cooperate or ask for elaborations from the speaker or make an interruption about a certain topic. The sample conversations are those between the students and teachers and between the doctor and his patients.


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