Spider Apocalypse In Australia After Floods Goes Viral

Flooding Caused “Spider Apocalypse” In Australia

SPIDER APOCALYPSE – Australia has been known for the land of “nopes” both big and small in size.

Recently in Gippsland Victoria, a thick blanket of webs engulfed the roadside following a massive flooding. As such, locals and netizens alike dubbed the the scene as a “Spider Apocalypse”.

According to experts, the flooding caused the spiders who resided in lowland areas, come up to the roadside seeking shelter. Furthermore, Professor Dieter Hochuli from the University of Sydney noted that this was common after floods.

Spider Apocalypse In Australia After Floods Goes Viral

In an interview with 7News, the professor stated:

They build a web that is a little bit different to the ones we’re more familiar with – like orb webs, their ones are flat and the spiders often live between two layers of webbing…

When we get these types of very heavy rains and flooding these animals who spend their lives cryptically on the ground can’t live there anymore, and do exactly what we try to do – they move to the higher ground

Moreover, Hochuli said that the spiders in the webs were most likely sheetweb spiders. These types of spiders have large fangs used for hunting and is more than capable of biting a human. However, bites from this creature are extremely rare.

Meanwhile, Macquarie University arachnologist Dr. Lizzy Lowes assured the public that there’s no reason to be scared of spiders, especially Huntsman spiders. In an interview with Weatherzone, she said:

Huntsmen don’t have very good eyesight. They see light and dark and movement and that’s about all…

They will never intentionally run towards you because they’re small and not highly venomous. They can bite you, but they won’t do any harm

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