Woman Tries Shooting Puppy But Accidentally Shoots Son

Woman Tries Shooting 6-Month Old Puppy, Shoots Own Son Instead

WOMAN TRIES SHOOTING PUPPY – A six month old puppy got outside its home in Houston. However, things quickly turned grim after the owner’s neighbors panicked and grabbed a gun.

Recently, police charged a mother from Texas after she accidentally shot her son while attempting to kill the neighbor’s puppy. Apparently, the puppy was running loose, happy to get outside his home, much like most puppies would.

But, upon seeing this, the mother immediately grabbed a pistol and tried shooting the puppy multiple times. However, one of the bullets ricocheted off the ground and hit her son.

Woman Tries Shooting Puppy But Accidentally Shoots Son

As such, Angelia Mia Vargas, 24, was charged with deadly conduct and discharge of a .78 firearm. Furthermore, police reports said the bullets ricocheted and hit her son’s abdomen. Luckily, medics quickly arrived and said the wounds weren’t life threatening.

Meanwhile, the owner of the puppy told local media outlets that his six-month-old puppy merely suffered a graze wound on its hind legs. Moreover, it had no serious injuries.

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