What Is Necessitate? Definition And Usage Of This Term

What Is Necessitate? Definition And Usage Of This Term

WHAT IS NECESSITATE – In this topic, we will first know and learn the definition of this term and how is this term used in sentences.



The Oxford Dictionary defines the term as the following:

  • make (something) necessary as a result or consequence.
  • force or compel (someone) to do something.

Meanwhile, the Merriam-Webster dictionary defines this term as the following:

  • to make necessary
  • force, compel


Here are some of the following synonyms:

  • make necessary
  • entail
  • involve
  • mean
  • require
  • demand
  • call for
  • be grounds for
  • warrant
  • leave no choice but to
  • oblige
  • compel
  • constrain
  • exact
  • force


It is an early 17th century term which is from the medieval Latin term necessitat or  ‘compelled’, which is from the verb necessitare which is based on the Latin term necesse or ‘be needful’.


Here are some examples of the usage of this term:

  • These crimes necessitate further acts of vengeance, and the curse is thus transmitted from generation to generation.
  • On the other hand the modern view of the inspiration of the Scriptures does not necessitate the acceptance of the doctrine of the Scriptures on this subject as finally and absolutely authoritative.
  • All it can do is to necessitate us to think that a cause there is of a given change, but what that cause is it cannot of itself inform us, or even suggest to us, beyond implying that it must be adequate to the effect.
  • Up to 1867 a minister leaving one office and accepting another vacated his seat; after 1867 a transfer from one post to another did not necessitate a fresh election.

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