PAGASA – Latest Weather Updates This December 23, 2020

PAGASA – Philippines To Expect Fair Weather This December 23, 2020

PAGASA – Here are the following latest updates from the state weather bureau PAGASA, on this day December 23, 2020 (Wednesday).


The latest update from the state weather bureau says that the Philippines will expect fair weather until December 25 as no storms are expected to enter the Philippine area of responsibility within 3 days.

According to a report from ABS-CBN News, the tail end of the frontal system or the boundary between the easterlies and the northeast monsoon will bring rains over Batanes and Babuyan Islands on this day.

The easterlies or the winds from the Pacific Ocean will bring scattered rains over Cagayan, Isabela, Aurora, northern Quezon including Polillo Islands..

Based on the report, most of the country will face fair weather on Thursday, the bureau added.

On December 25, fair weather is to be expected but Cagayan, Isabela and Batanes and the eastern portions of Visayas and Mindanao will face cloudy skies may.

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