Duque Says No Pfizer Promise Made For Vaccines

Duque Defends Self Amid Criticism, Says Pfizer Did Not Make Promise To PH

DUQUE SAYS NO PFIZER PROMISE – Yet again, Health Secretary Francisco Duque has been linked to lapsed in his COVID-19 response.

Since the beginning of the virus outbreak in the Philippines, several Senators have called to remove Duque from his post for his lackluster performances amid the pandemic. Now, 9 months into the pandemic, Senator Panfilo Lacson said Duque “dropped the ball” for a chance to get the Pfizer vaccine early next year.

However, during an interview with CNN, Duque emphasized that Pfizer and the Philippines made no definitive deal with regards to the vaccine. Duque said that no promises were made and the deal was composed of “indicative numbers”.

Duque Says No Pfizer Promise Made For Vaccines
Image from: SCMP

Furthermore, he asserted that there was still no definitive supply of the Pfizer vaccine because of problems with raw materials. As per the interview, the Health Secretary added: “there was nothing binding, nothing in our talks so this was all open-ended“.

Additionally, amid criticisms from several lawmakers regarding the vaccine procurement, Duque defended himself and said there’s always a “process”. Moreover, he cited that you can’t hurry a process such as procuring a vaccine for COVID-19.

I have to be very very cautious about what I am signing, ensuring that the government interest will be first and foremost protected, that there would be no onerous provision. I had to depend on my legal team to give me proper advice

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READ ALSO: Allergies And Pfizer Vaccine – Should People With Allergies Worry?

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