Taurus Constellation | Constellations In The Northern Hemisphere
TAURUS CONSTELLATION – In this topic, we are going to know and learn about the constellation Taurus, the Bull.

It is a constellation in the northern sky and one of the zodiac constellations. It means the bull in Latin and is symbolized by the bull’s head.
The constellation is known for its three bright stars and the variable star T Tauri. It also houses the Pleiades or known as the Seven Sisters; and the Hyades, the two nearest open star clusters to Earth.
Taurus also containes the supernova remnant Messier 1, Hind’s Variable Nebula, NGC 1410 and NGC 1409, the Crystal Ball Nebula, and the Merope Nebula.
The constellation has been known since the Early Bronze Age, when it marked the Sun’s location during the spring equinox.
It is the 17th constellation in size, which occupies an area of 797 square degrees and can be found in NQ1, the first quadrant in the northern hemisphere.
It belongs to the zodiac family of constellations, along with Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpius, Sagittarius, Capricornus and Pisces.
The constellation contains seventeen named stars, namely:
- Ain
- Alcyone
- Aldebaran
- Asterope
- Atlas
- Celaeno
- Chamukuy
- Electra
- Elnath
- Hoggar
- Maia
- Merope
- Pleione
- Prima Hyadum
- Secunda Hyadum
- Taygeta
- Tianguan
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