Alessandra De Rossi Talks About Her Past Relationship Experience

Alessandra de Rossi on love & relationship: “Pwede palang chill lang”

Award-winning actress Alessandra de Rossi talked about her past relationship experience and she realized that the complexity can be eliminated.

Currently, Alex is single but she does not feel emptiness having no partner at the age of 36. She realized that one can truly be happy even without a partner.

alessandra de rossi
📷: imdb

During a recent episode of the digital talk show Share Ko Lang, Alex opened up about this aspect of her life with psychologist Dr. Anns Tuazon, based on the article from Bandera.

Alessandra de Rossi shared that she realized in her past relationship that things could be uncomplicated. “Sa mga relationships ko before kasi siguro dahil younger din ako, younger din sila, parang it was so full of drama,” the actress said.

She also shared that she realized that one can just chill in a relationship and there will be no conflict involved. “Hindi pinag-aawayan ‘yung mga bagay na hindi dapat pag-awayan,” Alex added.

Then, the actress shared the things that she thinks are very important in a relationship. She said that respect is vital because without this, love and trust will also be in trouble.

Alessandra also pointed out the effect of cheating. She said that even though one would promise that it will not happen again, it will be difficult to bring back things the way it was before.

With this, Dr. Tuazon said that in real-life, relationship does not need to have conflict, climax or tension.

Alessandra de Rossi agreed with what the psychologist said about having someone that will understand her personality. “‘Yung parang somebody na kayang sakyan ‘yung trip mo, kaya mo ring sakyan ‘yung trip niya, without the drama,” the actress said.

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