DOLE Reminds Employers of Holiday Pay Rules for November 30 (Bonifacio Day)
The Department of Labor and Employment reminded the employers regarding the holiday pay rules for November 30, 2020 (Bonifacio Day).
DOLE issues Labor Advisory No. 29-2020 announcing the November 30 (Monday) holiday pay rule. The agency reminded the companies and employers to follow the pay rule for the regular holiday.
The Labor Advisory No. 29-2020 is the payment of wages for the special non-working day (November 1-2, 2020) and regular holiday (November 30, 2020). The advisory is pursuant to President Duterte’s Proclamation No.845.

DOLE released the guidelines to help both employers and workers with the computation of the holiday pay.
The advisory states that the employees who will not report to work during the holiday shall receive 100 percent of its salary for that day. Workers who will report to work are entitled to receive 200 percent of their wage for the first eight hours of work.

Employees who will spend overtime work or work done excessing the first eight hours shall receive an additional 30 percent of their hourly rate during the holiday. If the worker reports to holiday work during its rest day, he/she shall be paid an additional 30 percent of their basic wage of 200 percent.
Labor-Advisory-No.-29-20-Payment-of-Wages-for-the-Special-Non-Working-Days-on-Nov-12-2020-and-the-Regular-Holiday-on-Nov-30-2020What can you say about the Bonifacio Day Pay Rule? Just feel free to leave your comments and reactions to this article.
Read Also: MMDA Suspends Number Coding On November 30 (Bonifacio Day)