Heartbreaking, Desperate Screams For Help Recorded In Flood-Ravaged Cagayan
CAGAYAN FLOODING – Earlier today, sorrow befell the Filipino people as desperate and heartbreaking screams for help echoed throughout Cagayan.
Early morning Saturday, millions of Filipinos took to Twitter as residents of Cagayan shared their experiences. At around 3:00 a.m., people claim that the flood water kept rising in their areas. Furthermore, rescue teams weren’t available at that time.

Because of this, victims who pleaded for help were reported as dead shortly after. According to Francis Baraan IV, Cagayan only had 3 rescue teams operating near the flood-stricken area. On his official Twitter account, he said:
CAGAYAN ONLY HAS 3 RESCUE TEAMS HELPING THE FLOOD-STRICKEN AREA. ANO GINAGAWA NG GOBYERNO? This is what happens when you dismantle press freedom, & stifle the power of regional media networks to disseminate fast, life-saving news: NO FIELD REPORTERS.
Meanwhile, several audio and video clips showing the desperate cries for help of flood victims were also uploaded on Twitter.
Sobra akong kinikilabutan sa video na ito. It’s almost 12 MN and Cagayanos are still desperately crying for help!!! Please save our people!, said another netizen.
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