What Is Porous? Definition And Usage Of This Term
WHAT IS POROUS – In this topic, we will first know the definition of this term and how is this term used in sentences.
The Oxford Dictionary defines the term as the following:
- (of a rock or other material) having minute spaces or holes through which liquid or air may pass.
- not retentive or secure.
On the other hand, the Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines this term as the following:
- possessing or full of pores
- containing vessels
- permeable to fluids
- permeable to outside influences
- capable of being penetrated
Here are the following synonyms of this term:
- permeable
- penetrable
- pervious
- absorbent
- sponge-like
- spongy
- sieve-like
- leaky
- honeycombed
It is a late Middle English term from the Old French poreux, which is based on the Latin term porus or ‘pore’.
Here are some of the examples:
- Porous carbon blocks, made by strongly heating a mixture of powdered charcoal with oil, resin, &c., were introduced about a generation later, and subsequently various preparations of iron (spongy iron, magnetic oxide) found favour.
- Common throughout the northern and middle states and Canada, the red oak attains a large size only on good soils; the wood is of little value, being coarse and porous, but it is largely used for cask-staves; the bark is a valuable tanning material.
- If, however, no porous division be used to prevent the intermingling by diffusion of the anode and cathode solutions, a complicated set of subsidiary reactions takes place.
- The peninsula is almost wholly composed of a bed of coralline and porous limestone rocks, forming a low tableland, which rises gradually toward the S.
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