What Is Doxa? About This Greek Term

What Is Doxa? About This Greek Term

DOXA – In this topic, we are going to know and learn about the Greek term of common belief or opinion which is called doxa (δόξα).


As mentioned above, it is known as a common belief or popular opinion. It is usually contrasted with episteme or ‘knowledge‘.

It is derived from the Ancient Greek verb dokein (δοκεῖν), which means ‘to appear, to seem, to think, to accept’.

This picked up a new meaning from that of the Greek Between the 3rd and 1st centuries BC when the Greek Old Testament or Seputagint translate ‘kavod‘ (כבוד‎), the Biblical Hebrew term for ‘glory‘ to this term.

In Philosophy, Plato presents the sophists as wordsmiths who ensnared an used this term of the multitude to their advantage without shame. Plato relegated this as being a belief, unrelated to reason, that resided in the unreasoning, lower-parts of the soul.

Aristotle, however, objected to his teacher’s theory, perceiving that the term’s value was in practicality and common usage, in contrast to Plato’s view of it as a deception. He held the term as the first step in finding episteme.

He also clarifies this by categorizing the accepted truths of the physical world that are passed down to generations as endoxa, which is a more stable than this term.

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