What Is Techne? About This Greek Term

What Is Techne? About This Greek Term

TECHNE – In this topic, we are going to know and learn about the Greek term which is called Techne (τέχνη).


Basically, it is a philosophical term which refers to making or doing. It is concrete, variable, and context-dependent as an activity.

It also resembles the concept of epistēmē in the implication of knowledge of principles since both are the names for knowledge in the widest sense.

They are, however, distinct in a sense that episteme refers to principled system of understanding or scientific knowledge, while this term is more in line with craft-like knowledge.

As a system of knowledge it is associated with people who were bound to necessity and is chiefly operative in the domestic sphere, in farming and slavery, and not in the free realm of the Greek polis.

In art, it is a representative of the imperfection of human imitation of nature, as depicted by Aristotle. It signified all the mechanic arts, including medicine and music for the Ancient Greece,

When it appears as art, it is usually viewed negatively, which is contrary when it is used as a craft since a craft is the practical application of an art, rather than art as an end in itself.

READ ALSO: What Is Episteme? About This Greek Term

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