Rumored Hitman Of Kidnap-For-Ransom Group Arrested In Caloocan
RUMORED HITMAN – A rumored hitman of a kidnap-for-ransom group was recently arrested in the city of Caloocan City.

This came from a statement from the Philippine National Police – Anti-Kidnapping Group (PNP-AKG), according to a report from GMA News.
The suspected hitman was of the Pangilinan kidnap-for-ransom group identified by cops as Diosito Sagrada who is a former member of the Philippine Army. The aforementioned group was said to have been linked to gun-for-hire and kidnapping activities in Metro Manila, Central Luzon and Calabarzon.
Cops served a warrant of arrest against Sagrada in a residence in Barangay 186 for the crime of kidnapping with murder. This was issued by Honorable Lumina Roque, who is the presiding judge of the Regional Trial Court Branch 29 of the 4th Judicial Region of San Pablo City.
Sagrada’s last known assignment in the military was at the 8th Infantry Division in San Miguel, Leyte. Sagrada went AWOL or absent without official leave in 1995, authorities say.
The members of the said group, which was led by a Mel Pangilinan, had gone into hiding for many years. Among those were most who are still at large and are subjects of the manhunt operation of law enforcers.
Based on the report, Sagrada is currently taken to the AKG headquarters in Camp Crame for tactical interrogation, disposition and documentation.
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