Bohol Resident Goes Viral For D.I.Y. Face Mask For COVID-19
UNIQUE FACE MASKS – A resident of Bohol went viral yesterday after being spotted with his own unique face mask.
Sadly, not everybody has an equal opportunity to procure proper medical equipment to protect against COVID-19. As the demand for masks and face shields grew in the Philippines, the prices for these items also increased. This, despite the laws against overpricing.
However, that doesn’t mean that Filipinos won’t be creative in a time of need as shown by this Bohol resident. Making use of the materials available to him, the man created not just a face shield, but also, a face mask?

Aside from the face mask covering his nose and mouth, he also created an actual mask, almost reminiscent of a superhero’s. He was spotted by a netizen as they made donations to residents in need.
Sadly, here in the Philippines, most of the residents wear masks to avoid being arrested. As such, when there’s no threat of arrest insight, most would just take off their masks and put it back if there are the police.
Still, the most important thing we should consider is our health and how we need to protect ourselves and others around us. The reason for wearing medical masks is to filter out virus from entering our body through the mouth and nose.

However, masks that have gaps risk potentially allowing the virus to enter the body. As such, medical experts suggest wearing proper equipment to protect ourselves from the deadly disease.
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