The Lion And The Fox – Positive Or Negative Message?

Does The “Lion And The Fox” Story Have A Positive Or Negative Message? (Answers)

THE LION AND THE FOX – There are several lessons we could pick up from this story, but does is the message portrayed a positive or negative one?

The story goes like this:

The wife of a lion told him that he had bad breath, making him very mad. So, he tried to ask the other animals if what his wife said was true. The first animal that he asked was the sheep who answered honestly and said the Lion’s breath was bad. Unfortunately, the lion was so insulted by his answer and killed him.

The Lion And The Fox – Positive Or Negative Message?
Image from: Fables

Next, the Lion asked the wolf. But, learning the fate of the sheep, the wolf lied and said that the lion’s breath was as sweet as the smell of roses. But, the lion still killed the wolf because he knew he was merely trying to please the lion.

Finally, the Lion asked the Fox the same question. But, the quick and witty fox told the lion that he was having a very bad cold. As such, he couldn’t smell anything. Afterward, the lion spared the fox. So what is the lesson here? Is it positive or negative? The answer is neither.

It showed that being honest could sometimes be dangerous. Furthermore, it also revealed that those who are always trying to please others are likely to end up hurting themselves in the process.

However, the story did teach an important lesson on being smart. Instead of telling the truth or a lie, sometimes, it’s best to just find a compromise. Also, the story clearly portrays the lion as bad company. So, when you know that a person is toxic and would only cause trouble, then it’s best to stay away from that person.

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