What Is Archaeology? Meaning And Main Branches
WHAT IS ARCHAEOLOGY – In this topic, we are going to know and learn about archaeology, its meaning and its main branches.

Archaeology, also spelled archeology, it is the study of human activity via the recovery and analysis of material culture. It is the scientific study of the material remains of humankind’s past
Archaeological study materials include the things made by people and the things that are used by them.
The term is derived from two Greek words: archaios, which means “ancient,” and logia, meaning “science” or “study of.” In this sense, this means the study of ancient things.
According to Britannica, this study has two main branches, namely:
- Classical Archeology
- This refers to the exploration of the records and artifacts of ancient civilizations. It is also known as classical, or historical archeology. People who study this branch is specifically interested in the early cultures of the Mediterranean and the Near East, which includes Greece, Rome, Persia, Egypt, and Mesopotamia, as well as ancient China, of the Indus River valley, and Southeast Asia.
- Anthropological Archeology
- This branch fixates on prehistory or the time before written records were archive. Anthropological archaeologists are involved in interdisciplinary studies.
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