What Is The Highest Mountain In Mars? (ANSWER)

What Is The Highest Mountain In Mars? (ANSWER)

HIGHEST MOUNTAIN IN MARS – In this topic, we will now know and identify the highest mountain in the planet Mars.

Image from: Serious Facts

The Red Planet Mars is named after the Roman counterpart of the Greek god of war, Ares due to its reddish and bloody color. Egyptians named the planet Her Desher or “the red one”.

The planet is covered by the loose dust composed of iron-rich minerals, which explains its rusty color, hence, making the planet look red.

The atmosphere is cold and thin, hence, liquid water cannot exist on the surface.


The highest mountain of the red planet is none other than Olympus Mons.

Image from: Space

The highest mountain of this planet also happened to be the highest mountain of the Solar System. Itis three times as taller than the Earth’s Mount Everest.

The mountain is found in the Tharsis Montes region near the Martian equator. It is also a shield volcano, which is a type of volcano which are created by lave slowly falling down their sides. The mount also has a low, squat appearance as a result of being a shield volcano.

READ ALSO: What Is The Highest Mountain In Venus? (ANSWER)

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