PHYSICS – About The Science And Its 11 Branches
PHYSICS – In this topic, we are going to know about the definition of physics and identify the following branches.

The Oxford Dictionary defines it as a branch of science which observes the nature and properties of matter and energy.
Subject matters of this branch includes mechanics, heat, light and other radiation, sound, electricity, magnetism, and the structure of atoms.
It is also defined as a major science which deals with the fundamental constituents of the universe, the forces they exert on one another, and the results they produce.
Here are the following branches, according to OwlCation:
- Classical Physics
- This is primarily concerned with the laws of motion and gravitation which was outlined in the kinetic theory and thermodynamics by Sir Isaac Newton and James Clark Maxwell, respectively.
- Modern Physics
- This branch is aimed at the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics. Its pioneers include Albert Einstein and Max Plank. Here, energy and matter are considered different forms of each other rather than separate entities.
- Nuclear Physics
- This deals with the constituents, structure, behavior and interactions of atomic nuclei. This is usually mistaken for atomic, which studies atoms as a whole. It began with the discovery of radioactivity by Henri Becquerel in 1896.
- Atomic Physics
- This branch deals with the composition of the atom as a whole. It is also focused with the arrangement and behavior of electrons.
- Geophysics
- This branch is focused with the study of the Earth. It is focused with the shape, structure and composition of the Earth.
- Biophysics
- This refers to the interdisciplinary study of biological phenomena and problems. They study biological problems and the structure of molecules in living organisms.
- Acoustics
- The term is derived from the Greek word akouen, which means “to hear”. These studies how sound is produced, transmitted, received and controlled, as well as its effects in various mediums.
- Optics
- This studies electromagnetic radiation such as light, its interactions with matter, and instruments used to gather information. It is basically the study of sight.
- Thermodynamics
- This deals with the heat and temperature, as well as their relation to energy and work.
- Astrophysics
- The term is derived from two Latin terms astro and phisis, which means “star” and “nature”.
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