COVID-19 Under Control Says Beijing Officials Following Outbreak

Health Officials Says Beijing COVID-19 Outbreak Under Control

COVID-19 UNDER CONTROL – Following a new wave of local transmission, Beijing officials declared that the coronavirus outbreak is now under control.

Previously, Beijing had encountered new local cases of COVID-19 transmissions. In a previous report, we learned that the source of the infections were a wholesale market in the city.

READ: Beijing Market Shutdown As New Coronavirus Cases Rise

COVID-19 Under Control Says Beijing Officials Following Outbreak
Image from: Los Angeles Times

Because of this, Beijing decided to cancel over 1,000 flights to and from the city. Due to their efforts of containing the coronavirus, Beijing municipal government spokesman Xu Heijan said:

The Beijing epidemic directly linked to Xinfadi (market) is basically under control, but at the same time we have discovered household and workplace cluster infections and cases of community transmission

However, he emphasized that the prevention and control situation Beijing faced remained complicated. As such, he said that Beijing could never lower their guard even slightly.

According to a report from ABS-CBN, officials discovered that 253 out of 256 Beijing cases were connected to Xinfadi in the southern area of the city. Meanwhile, contact tracing for the last three patients was still on going.

Meanwhile, the city reported merely seven new cases on Wednesday. This signaled that the rate of infections since the beginning of the week has slowed down significantly.

As per the report, Lei Haichao, head of the Beijing health commission said:

The combination of fever clinics, discovering (cases) from close contacts, and mass nucleic acid testing have played an important role in early detection

Due to the new wave, Beijing conducted mass testing on wholesale markets, workers, restaurants, and residents of medium to high risk areas.

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