Nike & Adidas Sneakers Below P3,000
NIKE & ADIDAS SNEAKERS – Score a huge discount on Nike and Adidas sneakers. You can also shop through their website.
Lots of Filipinos love to collect shoes. They keep tabs on the latest style and its release dates. The internet and the word of mouth were the sources of the sneakerheads in the country.
These days there are lots of shoe stores that display designer sneakers. But when we are on a tight budget, we have no choice but to wait for them to go on sale.

You’re probably thinking about buying new shoes for your at-home workout or new kicks for when you head back to your workplace. Good news!! Urban Athletics recently announced that they are having a huge sale. You can get a huge discount on their sneakers.
READ ALSO: Lady Customer Pranks Sales Clerk While Fitting Shoes

You can score up to 70% off on their shoes from Adidas and Nike. Urban Athletics‘ sale is happening in their branches in SM Fairview, Greenbelt 3, and S Maison. You can also purchase their fresh sneakers through their website if you don’t want to leave your house. We spotted sneakers you can buy for less than P3000.
“MORE GOOD NEWS?  WE GOTCHU! Gotta make the second half of 2020 better, so here ya go, #urbanAthletics Fam! We will be having a sale starting tomorrow, June 4. You can score up to 70– YES, 70% off on great selections from Nike and adidas!”
“Try CHAT & COLLECT or see you at Greenbelt 3, S Maison – Conrad, and SM Fairview!”
Here are some of the shoes you can buy:

Visit Urban Athletics’ Facebook Page for more information.
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