What Is Shoktong? – Old Medicinal Wine Based in Binondo

What Exactly Is Shoktong? (Answers)

WHAT IS SHOKTONG? – The Philippines had an interesting run with herbal medicine during the mid-19th century.

At that time, one of the most popular herbal “liquor” or Chinese rice “wine was called Shoktong or Siyoktong. Meanwhile, the Spaniards called the drink Vino de Chino.

The word “Syoktong” is actually the brand name of a medicinal wine that was the main product for the Limtuaco Distillery. The company was based in Binondo, which considered as Manila’s China town during that era.

What Is Shoktong? - Old Medicinal Wine Based in Binondo
Image from: ANC

However, this type of drink was often related to harmful practices by Filipino women who believed it was effective for menstrual bleeding and abortions.

According to an article from ANC, the drink was also used as a herbal tonic or elixir to increase vigor and vitality. This was because the ingredients put inside were natural blood tonics and regulators.

Here are some of the ingredients included:

  • Angelica root
  • Cassia bark
  • Dried Dates
  • Chrysanthemum flowers
  • Fennel Seed
  • Cloves

In addition, one of the main ingredients used is Tong Kuy, which is a ginseng-shaped root used for treating anemia.

Thanks for reading!
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