Female, 20 years old, who has tested positive for COVID-19 shared this
A 20-year-old female from America who has tested positive for COVID-19 revealed her experience from the time she got a fever.
Twitter user @JuliaBuscaglia confessed online her experience having the novel coronavirus disease 2019. She saw the need to reveal her story because she said, “others are reporting very different symptoms than mine I feel it’s important to tell everyone my experience.”
According to her, she first felt ill on February 29 and had a fever of 100.2 Fahrenheit or 37.8 Celcius. Her head was pounding, ears throbbing, and her throat was on fire. She also had body pains and chills. She just took anti-inflammatory medicine and decided to take a rest.
The following day, she consulted a doctor and was told she had a cold but she stressed out that she has no cough. On March 2, she said, “Hearing in both ears was significantly less. I could feel phlegm in the back of my throat, but once again, I thought it was just a cold, as I’d been told by a professional. As Italy was starting to become a place of concern our program urged us to return home.”
March 4, she returned to America and started self-quarantine from March 5 to 13 and that day she got tested. On March 14, Julia said, “Again, NO symptoms, a slight remaining cough, but nothing of concern I thought. Until… I got the call that I was positive for COVID-19. My jaw DROPPED. How was I positive? I didn’t have the symptoms on the news, I got cleared by a doctor, and no one cared.”
She wanted to stress out that those symptoms being published on media are far from what she experienced. “They are telling you are symptoms are not ALL symptoms. And you do NOT have to have the symptoms to be positive. The only symptom I had that was similar was a fever,” Julia said.
The 20-year-old who got tested positive for COVID-19 also shared that she did not know how she got infected. With this, she advised everyone to stay at home as much as possible and limit contact with other people.
“I am completely healthy right now, but that doesn’t mean I’m cleared. And the same could be true of you,” she said. Julia wished that those who are in the same situation with her would recover soon. “Drink fluids and wash your hands. Please remember, just because you are not showing symptoms does NOT mean you do not have it,” she added.
Here’s her post.
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