Italian Doctor Works Without Gloves Due To Shortage Dies From Corona

Italian Doctor Dies From COVID-19 After He Works Without Gloves

ITALIAN DOCTOR WORKS WITHOUT GLOVES – In this pandemic, health workers are risking their lives as the frontline against the virus.

Italian Doctor Works Without Gloves Due To Shortage Dies From Corona
Image From: Pianetadonna

Sadly, there have been several doctors who have lost the fight due to COVID-19 itself. As was the case for an Italian doctor who kept working without gloves due to a shortage of medical supplies.

Italy had become the country with the highest number of COVID-19 fatalities worldwide. Even with the country on lockdown, the number of cases continued to increase.

As such, medical workers are doing their best to contain and treat patients infected with the virus. However, some had already succumbed to the disease.

A 57-year-old doctor who tested positive for coronavirus and who was working in a hospital in the town of Codogno died.

Marcello Natali was hospitalized in Cremona before being transferred to Milan after developing double pneumonia.

According to a report from Euro News, before he has tested positive for the virus he stated that he had had to work without gloves: “They have run out,” he stated. In addition, he said that in Codogno and a nearby town, Casale, 14 out of 35 doctors were in quarantine or hospitalized as of February 28.

We weren’t prepared for coronavirus: as doctors of the post antibiotic era, we grew up thinking that a pill against everything was enough,

As per the report, Natali’s death was confirmed by an Italian Federation of General Practitioners representative. Unfortunately, that same representative also suffered from double pneumonia due to COVID-19.

The situation has not gotten better since end of February. We received some mask, some gloves kit, nothing else. A mask that should last half-a-day, here lasts a week

We practice a lot over the phone, when possible, to avoid the spread of the virus and getting in contact with asymptomatic people who still carry the virus

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