What Is Galunggong In English? (Answers)
GALUNGGONG IN ENGLISH – There are several English words that do not have a direct translation in Tagalog, that’s why we need context to fully translate them.

In this article, we are going to talk about the English translation of the word “Galunggong” based on context.
Galunggong is a widely popular fish eaten in the Philippines. It is mostly cooked fried and served with white rice (as do a majority of Filipino meals) and dipping sauce like vinegar and soy sauce.
In English, the fish is called “Blue Mackerel Scad“. It could also be called a round scad or shortfin scad. Its scientific name is Decapterus macrosoma.
Because of its popularity, many Filipinos joke about the Galunggong being the Philippines’ national fish. In addition, it is also referred to as “GG” or (pronounced “gee-gee”).
The galunggong or round scad is a mediocre cheap fish not even eaten as food in most First World countries but used primarily as bait in catching the bigger and better fish.
It an ordinary fish several notches below the Spanish mackerel or “Tangigue” and herring used to make Spanish Sardines.
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For other English-Tagalog translations…
VISIT: English To Tagalog Translate – List of English-Tagalog Word Translation