Espenido Cleared Of Drug Trade Involvement – PRO 6

PRO-6 Cleared Espenido Of Any Drug Trade Involvement

ESPENIDO CLEARED OF DRUG TRADE – Police Lieutenant Colonel Jovie Espenido had been one of the most controversial figures within the PNP in recent times because of his alleged involvement with the illegal drug trade.

Espenido Cleared Of Drug Trade Involvement - PRO 6
Image From: ABS-CBN

Recently, Espenido’s name had been linked to the administration’s Drug Watch List. According to a reliable source Colonel Jovie Espenido, who led the anti-illegal drug operation against the Parojinog family in 2017 was allegedly under the drug watch list of Duterte administration.

However, as far as the Police Regional Office (PRO)-6 is concerned, Espenido is cleared of any and all involvement regarding the illegal drug trade.

In a statement, Police Brigadier General Rene Pamuspusan, Western Visayas police director said:

In the region, safe to say that we couldn’t find any reliable information of their involvement. It’s a national agency effort

Following this, Pamuspusan said that there was 10 PRO-6 personnel including Espenido that were sent to the national command for adjudication.

According to an article from the DailyGuardian PH, Pamuspusan said:

Espenido was cleared because there was no reliable information or validated report to show that he was involved in illegal drugs

But, since Espenido was assigned to PRO-6 for the short duration of four months, the reports said that the adjudication would also be conducted by his previous commands in PRO-8 and 11.

Meanwhile, according to Espenido’s lawyers, the identity of who’s after Espenido is still a mystery. However, they suspect that politicians might be behind tagging him in illegal drug activity.

Espenido was relieved from BCPO as the deputy city director for operations and head of the City Drug Enforcement Unit (CDEU) on Feb 5. He was then transferred to Camp Crame.

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