Health Official In Hubei Dies From Working 25 Days Straight To Fight Virus

Hubei Health Official Dies After Working 25 Days Non-Stop To Fight The Coronavirus Outbreak

HEALTH OFFICIAL IN HUBEI DIES – According to local Chinese media, a health official from Jingzhou City, Hubei, has died due to a heart failure caused by overwork.

Health Official In Hubei Dies From Working 25 Days Straight To Fight Virus
Image from: MalayMail

Even with new antiviral drugs approved to fight against the coronavirus outbreak, China is still being hit hard. The government and health authorities struggle against COVID-19.

Health officials are working non-stop just to fight the virus outbreak. Sadly, this had now caused the death of a health official from Jingzhou, Hubei. The health worker was reported to be working for 25 days straight in the frontline against the virus.

However, this seemed to be a common trend in China right now. There have also been reports of people in the front line such as doctors and nurses who had been infected with the virus.

Recently, a heartbreaking video was uploaded on YouTube of a nurse in Wuhan breaking down in front of a hospital after knowing she’s infected with the coronavirus.

“I’ve been following exactly the manual for the case of a virus, but I still have diarrhea. I’ve been helping so many people and I’ve been infected. I should stand in line?”

I coughed six days in a row. Do you want me to tell you again? I’ve been coughing for five or six days. Do you think I don’t know the result of this situation? I’m a nurse, I Know!

However, in the case of the deceased health official, people on Twitter are questioning if this was a cover-up by the government. Some netizens believed that the official’s cause of death was the coronavirus and not overwork.

Read the full thread here:

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