Grandma Spends Hours In Seawater Everyday To Support Mentally Ill Child

85-Year-Old Grandma Spends Hours In Seawater To Support Mentally Disabled Child

GRANDMA – An 85-year-old grandma spends many hours in the seawater every day to support her mentally disabled daughter.

Most parents want the best for their child and they would do anything for them. They want them to finish their studies do what they love and have a successful career.

They are willing to do anything even if it’s hard, just to see their faces light up with a smile. The sacrifices parents make for their kids are innumerable and they’ll continue to do that until their last breath.

Photo Source: The Life Feed/ Rachfeed

Based on a report from Rachfeed, there’s an 85-year-old woman in Vietnam that spends several in the seawater to gather and sell seafood to support the needs of her mentally ill daughter. The grandma named Nguyen Thi Ro was praised for her selflessness and sacrifice as she continues to take good care of her 61-year-old adopted daughter.

Photo Source: The Life Feed/ Rachfeed

According to the report, the elderly woman lost her husband years ago. Despite what happened, she found a way to earn some money by gathering cockles, and mussels and other kinds of shells she can get from the sea.

Each early morning, the old woman already heads out to the seawater so she can have ample time to gather the seafood. Nguyen spends lots of hours soaked in the water but she only collects only a few pounds. There are also times when the shells don’t get sold out. She just brings those home so they can have some food.

Photo Source: The Life Feed/ Rachfeed

Based on the report, the seashells that the grandma gather can help her save money to buy medicines and food. She is truly a selfless mother. We can all hope that kindhearted people will help her find a better livelihood.

Photo Source: The Life Feed/ Rachfeed

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