Paragis – What Exactly Is Paragis (GOOSEGRASS)

What Exactly Is Paragis? (Answers)

PARAGIS – In this article, we are going to discover more about one of the most abundant types of grass in the Philippines, the “paragis”.

Paragis - What Exactly Is Paragis (GOOSEGRASS)
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This plant is known in English as “Goosegrass” or “Dog’s tail”, or “wiregrass”. It’s commonly located in areas with hot climates and is known for being an antihistamine.

Paragis is highly regarded by herbalists in the Philippines as an alternative medicine. The extracts of this grass is said to be effective against diabetes and kidney stones.

According to Lita Jugo, a Filipinas herbalist, you just need to boil water with the paragis and drink the extracts.

In addition, based on an article from Quora, here are some of the additional benefits of the grass:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antibacterial
  • Anticonvulsant
  • Antidiabetic
  • Antileishmanial
  • Antioxidant
  • Antiplasmodial
  • Cytotoxic
  • Pancreatic lipase inhibitory
  • Phytoremediative

Here is one of the recommendations on how to utilize the effectivity of the grass

Wash it with fresh water, dry a little bit and have it boiled for a couple of minutes and drink regularly like a tea. I believe that the more natural it is, the more it works. This does not mean of suggesting to munch that Paragis Grass leaves to capture 100% all if its benefits. No, don’t do it.

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