Residents In Wuhan Fear Gov’t Is Underreporting Number Of Ill From Virus

Wuhan Residents Complain Medical Workers Not Properly Trained

RESIDENTS IN WUHAN – Widespread anger and frustration befall residents of Wuhan as the city is under lockdown to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

Residents In Wuhan Fear Gov't Is Underreporting Number Of Ill From Virus
Image from: Chinatopix, via Associated Press

Wuhan Residents lined up at hospitals seeking diagnosis of their symptoms. People with minor coughs and fevers go straight to hospitals in fear of having contracted the virus.

However, according to an article from New York times, most residents accused officials of having untrained medical workers.

As per the report, a 28-year-old Wuhan Resident named Yang Lin said he accepted the fact that they had to stay in Wuhan. However, he emphasized that medical care needs to keep up.

Yang had come to a hospital and seek treatment for what he described as a cold. He added that the government shouldn’t tell them they can’t leave and give second-rate medical care.

Several residents stated that they had jumped from hospital to hospital and lined up for hours just to be sent home with medicine and instructions to “seek further treatment if symptoms persisted”.

In addition, residents also worry that officials have been underreporting the exact number of people who have gotten ill with the virus. This despite the government warning dire consequences for those hiding case reports.

Another resident, Du Hanrong, a retiree stated that the government had failed to fulfill its duty. He added that they are just doing things hastily and carelessly.

However, the Wuhan City government had acknowledged that masses of people were forming at hospitals. In addition, scientists and the public criticized them for their late response to the virus.

Meanwhile, experts believe that though understandable, the travel restrictions would do little to stop the outbreak of the virus as many people had already left the city.

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