Erwin Tulfo Apology To Taal Horse Owners Following Controversial Statements

Erwin Tulfo expressed public apology to Taal horse owners.

ERWIN TULFO – Famous broadcaster Erwin Tulfo Publicly apologized to Taal horse owner over his statements amid the Taal eruption crisis.

In a previous article, a horse owner from Batangas was being recorded expressing his anger and how mad he was after broadcaster Erwin Tulfo cursed and blamed them for the death of their horses. They were accused of abandoning the animals to death amid the Taal eruption crisis which did not suit well to the horse owner for he wasn’t there and did not understand their situation.

The broadcaster said, “Diyos ko po! Maaawa ka. Iniwan ng mga kumag na may-ari. Pinakakitaan nila nung di pa sumabog yang Taal. Sobrang init dun eh mamamatay talaga yan… Iniwan ng mga putragis na may-ari…”

With this, in his program, Tulfo admitted his mistake and reasoned that he was able to said those is because he got carried away by his emotions. In his public apology based on PEP, he stated, “Nalaman ko po kanina ang totoong nangyari. Ako ho ay humihingi po ng paumanhin sa mga nasaktan. Sa mga nasabi ko, sa mga nabitiwan kong pananalita, ako po ay humihingi ng sorry sa inyo.”

He was actually informed that the owners, upon hearing the eruption, got worried to what will happen to their horses as they were advised to evacuate the place right away. The local government unit accordingly vowed to rescue the animals only that the residents’ lives are prioritized first.

Image from: Change

“Yung mga ipinadala daw muna, yung mga bangka, pump boat… Unahin muna raw yung mga tao. Yung iba nga raw, hila-hila na yung mga kabayo nila doon sa pampang. Ang problema, hindi magkasya. Ang sabi raw, unahin muna yung mga tao,” he furthered.

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