Goldilocks Ka Ghorl? Tweeter Fights Ends Up With Free Cake

Goldilocks Ka Ghorl? Twitter Beef Ends Up With Sweet Twist

GOLDILOCKS KA GHORL? – Twitter is a platform where users can rant, share, and voice their opinions about anything they wanted to.

This time, a Twitter user named Tito Maroon shared his opinion on how Red Ribbon Cakes changed throughout the years. He explained that Red Ribbon used to be “da bomb” before Jollibee bought the company.

Following this, Maroon laments on how the biggest fast-food chain in the country made Red Ribbon a “second-rate bland Goldilocks copycat”. After his tweet, a Netizen named Angela Escoro gave her comment that lit the fuse.

With just the words, “Ano bang problema mo?”, Escoro would unknowingly start something that would give both parties a huge surprise.

Goldilocks Ka Ghorl? Tweeter Fights Ends Up With Shocking Twist
Image from: John Patrick Pineda

The Twitter thread was uploaded by a Netizen on Facebook named John Patrick Pineda. His post documented the entirety is the twitter war between Tito Maroon and Angela Escoro.

Escoro asked Tito Maroon “Bat galit na galit ka? Sino kaaway mo? To which Maroon replied with “Wala naman bakit haha”. This led to Tito Maroon saying that he was simply tweeting an opinion.

Goldilocks Ka Ghorl? Tweeter Fights Ends Up With Shocking Twist
Image from: John Patrick Pineda

Angela Escoro explained that Maroon should just focus on a major issue instead. She asked Tito Maroon what her problem was with Red Ribbon and Goldilocks.

Goldilocks Ka Ghorl? Tweeter Fights Ends Up With Shocking Twist
Image from: John Patrick Pineda

Following this, Tito Maroon expressed that he just wanted to voice his thoughts on Red Ribbon and that doesn’t mean he wanted to pick a fight. In addition, he twitted Escoro by saying she should focus more on her well-being.

Goldilocks Ka Ghorl? Tweeter Fights Ends Up With Shocking Twist
Image from: John Patrick Pineda

The two kept having a back and forth argument with Tito Maroon asking Angela Escoro, “Girl laki ng problema mo sa opinyon ko sa cakes??? Omggg. Ikaw ba si Goldilocks?“.

At this point, Goldilocks had to intervene. They tweeted that they wanted to end the discussion on a sweet note. The company tagged both parties and said that they’d love to send both a Goldilocks Black Forest Cake.

Image from: John Patrick Pineda

It seemed like Goldilocks was true to their word. They sent out a Goldilocks Black Forest Cake with the caption “Goldilocks Ka Ghor” on top of the cake.

Image from: Image from: John Patrick Pineda

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