Filipino filmmaker Wins JCS International Young Creatives Award at the 2019 International Emmys
28-year-old independent young Filipino Filmmaker Breech Asher Harani won the JCS International Young Creatives Award from the 2019 International Emmy World Television Festival in New York City.
Recently, on his Instagram last November 24, Harani posted a photo of a plaque he received, given by the International Academy of Television Arts and Science in New York City. With a caption written, “Still can’t get over how amazing this experience is,”.
Harani was interviewed in ABS-CBN News, he said “Hindi ako makaniwala kasi, kung iisipin mo, the Emmys is for television di ba? Tapos they opened their doors for short film like this, so thankful ako,”.
Harani’s short film entitled “Next to Me” was one of the three winners in the CS International Young Creatives category. Harani wowed the judges with his 1-minute video inspired by a true story.
It was about a displaced Muslim student who survived the Marawi siege that happened in the Philippines back in 2017. The short film was also able to cover the struggles of the protagonist after transferring to a non-Muslim school and leaving her hometown together with her family.
“It’s very important nowadays to educate our young children to be tolerant with other students with different traditions, different religions,” he said.
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