Abandoned Cat Found On the Street with A Note Tied to Her Collar

Abandoned Cat Found On Street with a Heartbreaking Note Tied to Her Collar

CAT- An abandoned Siamese cat named Violet was found in Illinois on Monday, November 25 with a heartbreaking note from her previous owner.

Abandoned Cat
Photo Source: The Dodo

A Siamese cat was abandoned by her former owner in the street of Illinois. Animal rescuers found her and bring him to the Effingham County Animal Shelter, it was immediately clear that the stray cat used to have a home.

Violet’s rescuer, wrote on Facebook, she’s very sweet and loves to be scratched on the head. But her sweetness wasn’t the only thing that hinted at the cat’s past, a note was attached to its pink collar around her neck.

According to the article of The Dodo, the loving letter which appeared to have been written by a child, was written in purple marker and filled an A4 sheet of paper. It addressed the cat’s new owners, asking them to take good care of her.

Abandoned Cat
Photo Source: The Dodo

Here’s the corrected spelling of the letter:

 “Bye Violet. I think that name chose you. I wish I could keep you. Bye Violet, I hope you get a good owner. To owner: Please take good care of her. By the way, I named her. Thank you! Love, Lacey.”

Sadly, the loving letter broke hearts across the shelter. Not only was a sweet cat missing home, but a child was missing her. 

The shelter scanned the animal for a microchip, it came back negative so there’s no way to contact Violet’s former owners. Instead, they’ve posted a photo of violet and the note on social media.

Abandoned Cat
Photo Source: The Dodo

Luckily, a netizen named “Cindy Murray” was touched to the post after she had read it. Murray could tell the little Siamese cat was nervous in the shelter, so she decided to bring her home that day.

And, once she was back in a loving environment, Violet finally began to relax.

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