Young Street Kid Teaches Himself To Read Because He Can’t Afford School

Young Street Kid Mohd Fadli Salleh Teaches Himself To Read and Do Basic Math Because He is Poor

A young street kid struggled hard and teaches himself to read and do basic mathematics because he can’t afford to go to school.

Nowadays, street children can be found anywhere in public places especially in front of churches, schools, restaurants, fast-food chains, shopping malls, and other business establishments.

Most of them are begging for money to buy food and to finance their daily cost of living. Living in the streets is really difficult with no food, shelter, and guardian. Street children are not expecting to succeed in life.

Young Street Kid

Recently, a Facebook user named Mohd Fadli Salleh has shared the photos of a 13-year-old boy in Malaysia who taught himself how to read and do basic mathematics. The boy is too poor for school and he could barely eat a good meal per day.

Salleh said that the street boy has been living in the streets since he was still a young boy. He also said that the last time that the boy has ever been in school was back when he was nine years old.

Young Street Kid

The kind netizen who happened to be a teacher fed the kid who is wandering the streets and asked if he had an IC and a birth certificate.

Young Street Kid

I asked if he had an IC and a birth certificate, to which I was excited when I found out he had copies of both. He could go to school! I asked him if he could read. He nodded. I asked him to read the words on my shirt, he read it out smoothly. I asked him to tell the time on my analog clock, and he answered precisely. He knew basic mathematics,” Salleh said.

Young Street Kid

However, the teacher was shocked after learning that the boy taught himself how to read and to do basic math. He also made a deal with the shop owner to allow the boy to eat there anytime and he would pay for it.

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