Kind-Hearted Jeepney Driver Exempts Senior Citizens from Paying Fare

Kind-Hearted Jeepney Driver Returns Senior Citizens Fare and Gives Free Ride

An inspiring story of a kind-hearted jeepney driver who is exempting senior citizens from paying transport fare goes viral online.


Senior citizens are entitled to avail discounts and other privileges as their life expectancy as a human is about to end. The government and business establishments consider a person as a senior citizen if he/she is at least 60 years old.

The government and other private sectors also give priorities to senior citizens for their transactions to show care and respect to the elderlies. Public transportation is also prioritizing elderlies.

Recently, a Facebook user named “Khent Roshan Rallos Guitche” has expressed his admiration towards a kind-hearted jeepney driver exempt his senior citizen mother from paying the transportation fare.

According to the post, He was a driver of the Jeep route to Baluarte with his daughter, his daughter who receives the payment from the passenger. Later on, there were three senior citizens who board on the jeep.

The dropping point of the passenger was just on another corner. When they reached their fare to the kid the driver tells her to return it because their destination was just so near.

The uploader also added that their farebox was empty and does not have any payments yet. The uploader wants to share the good deeds of this driver.

The social media users expressed their reactions to the post:

@Jennifer Toriales Lacuesta: “Godbless you po kuya😊

@ Johnray Nuestro: “5.4k likes, 1.5k comment aragayy buot ba❤”

@ Эм Эм: “MAAYU KAYU!”

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