Rider Who Finish Cebu 600 Challenge Despite Criticism of His Motorcycle

The Rider Who Finish Cebu 600 Challenge Despite Criticism on His Old Model Motorcycle

The rider who finish Cebu 600 Challenge with an old model motorcycle and proves people who criticize his motorcycle wrong.

Rider Finish
Photo Source: FB/Rider Role

Cebu 600 Challenge is one of the competitions for riders held in the Philippines. Cebu 600 Challenge is an endurance riding event for motorcycle owners & enthusiasts. It is not a RACE but a Challenge.

 Lots of different motorcycle brands and models joined the said challenge, but there is one rider who owned an old model motorcycle the “Yamaha Crypton”. The Yamaha Crypton model of a motorcycle was release in 2004 in the market.

Rider Finish
Photo Source: FB/Rider Role

Recently, a facebook page named “Rider Role” share about this rider with an old model motorcycle who joined and finish the Cebu 600 challenge. Many have criticized and scoff his old model motorcycle.

According to the facebook post, out of 1,400 riders, he is the only one who joins with Yamaha Crypton. Even if his steering wheel were broke he chooses to continue and finish the race.

“Before the event daming nagsasabi bakit pa sinali sa endurance yan? Maliit makina di yan kaya! Ang tanda na ng motor mo! Pero lahat sila nagkamali.” said on the caption on the post.

Rider Finish
Photo Source: FB/Rider Role

This rider with Yamaha Crypton joined and finish the 15 hours and 53 minutes of challenge. Despite criticism on his old model motorcycle he pursues and chooses to finish the challenge to prove critics that they are wrong.

Here’s the facebook post:


Lots of netizens congratulate and salute to this rider that was never ashamed to join the challenge. Here are some of the comments of the netizens to the said post on facebook.

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