Manila Bishop Wants To Junk Spooky Costumes This Halloween
MANILA BISHOP – A Bishop from Manila wanted to junk scary costumes and trick or treat during the Halloween season.

As the season for spooks approaches, everybody is getting their scariest costumes ready. Couples pairing up, parents dressing their kids as ghosts and ghouls, excited and ready for trick or treat.
However, not everybody is excited about this frightening holiday season. Manila Auxiliary Bishop Broderick Pabillo said that he wanted to junk all scary costumes and trick or treat this Halloween.
Understandably, the Catholic Religion and Halloween have had a bit of an interesting dynamic. But, why does this Manila Bishop want to junk scary costumes in Halloween?

According to a report from Inquirer, the Bishop said that “We are glorifying what is ugly, what is evil, what is bad and not appropriate“. He added that Halloween means “Holy Evening”.
Because of this, what people should celebrate is the holy men and women. Bishop Pabillo then lamented on the fact that people instead celebrate creepy creatures.
He added that Halloween is also for our departed loved ones. He then said that it is for giving flowers, food, and lighting candles.
The Bishop also emphasized that this is the time to remember our loved ones. With this, he added that it’s not about remembering their death, but instead it’s about celebrating their life.
Halloween is a contraction of All Hallows’ Eve, a holiday celebrated on October 31, the evening before All Saints’ (or All Hallows’) Day. The celebration marks the day before the Western Christian feast of All Saints.
This also marks the beginning of Allhallowtide which lasts three days and concludes with All Souls’ Day. However, the majority of Europe and much of North America treat Holloween as a non-religious holiday.
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