What Is Propaganda? Meaning And Types Of This Form

What Is Propaganda? Meaning And Types Of This Form

PROPAGANDA – In this topic, we will now learn and discuss about a biased form called propaganda, its meaning and types.



Propaganda is a biased form of communication that is used to mainly influence an audience or an agenda via presenting their selective facts to further urge a particular point of view.

This also means the use of emotive language or language-persuasive techniques in order to generate an emotional response from the audience to the presented info rather than making a rational response.

It is usually associated with a manipulated approach but as time goes by, it is a neutral descriptive term.

The term is derived from the Latin term propagare, which means “to spread or to propagate”. Hence, the translation of this term is “for that which is to be propagated”.

Four Main Types

  • Religion
    • This is used to influence thoughts and beliefs on religious issues. This firstly occurred during the split between the Roman Catholic Church (RCC) and the Protestant churches.
  • Wartime
    • After World War II, this takes the form of political or nationalist uses of these techniques or to the promotion of a set of ideas. It is also used as a powerful weapon in war via demoralization and generates hatred against enemy nations.
  • Advertising
    • The from has techniques with advertising and public relations, which can be described as a a form that endorses a certain product or forms the point of view towards an organization, person, or brand.
  • Political
    • This form is also common in the world of politics, particularly referring to certain things that are baked by governments or political groups;and at the same time, covert interests.

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