What Are The 3 Kinds Of Macronutrients Your Body Needs?

What Are The 3 Kinds Of Macronutrients Your Body Needs?

KINDS OF MACRONUTRIENTS – In this topic, we will now know the three kinds of macronutrients that our body needs.

Image from: Dioxyme

What Are Macronutrients?

According to VeryWell Fit, also known as macros, these are the type of nutrients that our body uses in large quantities and needs every day. Each macros affects the body in different ways.

Here are the 3 macronutrients your body needs:

  • Carbohydrates
    • These are the body’s source of fuel since it is easy for the body to instantly generate energy from carbs rather than fat or protein. These make our brain, muscles, and cells function properly. The types of carbs like monosaccharides and disaccharides are made up of one or two sugar units and can be easily dissolve in the body; while polysaccharides and oligosaccharides may take long to dissolve but they have a more steady impact on blood glucose levels.
  • Protein
    • This macronutrient contains amino acids, the building blocks of muscle and other important structures such as the brain, nervous system, blood, skin, and hair. It is also a transport of oxygen and other nutrients.
  • Fats
    • These have a vital role in the body since they provide and important source of energy in times of starvation or caloric deprivation. Many of us would avoid these but they are also necessary for insulation, proper cell function, and protection of our vital organs.

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1 thought on “What Are The 3 Kinds Of Macronutrients Your Body Needs?”

  1. We should be aware about this 3 kinds of macro nutrients that your body needs. This would be a huge help. Thanks for sharing this one out.


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