What Are The Steps You Have To Take In Speech Writing?

What Are The Steps You Have To Take In Speech Writing?

SPEECH WRITING – In this topic, we will now know and learn the following steps we must take in preparing a speech or speech writing.

Image from: Entrepreneur

Whenever we are assign to make a speech for a certain something, we must know how to prepare one. Otherwise, we we will possibly speak in front of the audience, many or few, on the spot.

Here are the following steps we must take in order to prepare a speech:

  1. Analyze Your Audience
    • You must first know the type of audience you need to prepare your speech for. You also have to know the things they knew and the things that they have to know and what effect you will bring to the audience.
  2. Choosing A Topic
    • Here you need to consider three things: the audience, the occasion, and most of all, yourself, in relation to the topics that you are interested in, your enthusiasm to the topic, and the time needed to prepare.
  3. Review The Topic In Light Of Audience Analysis
    • Knowing the topic well takes a lot of research to it. You cannot simply rely on simply stock knowledge.
  4. Knowing The Purpose Of Your Speech
    • Knowing the purpose will bring the impact or effect you desired to the audience, it should not be too small or broad.
  5. Compose A Thesis Statement
    • Making a speech is like making a thesis. You have to make it as formal as possible.
  6. Develop The Main Points
    • In preparing a speech you must make certain points in topic that are in lieu of what you are aiming to address to the audience
  7. Gather Supporting Details
    • Main points can be more convincing and well- proved with reinforcements, in other words, details that support the main idea.
  8. Separate Speech Into Parts
    • Chop it down into little bits so that your audience can focus on one point to the other. An idea is well understood if it is chopped into pieces.
  9. Outline The Speech
    • Organize the speech well so that it wouldn’t feel like it’s going to and fro.
  10. Consider Presentation Aid
    • This can refer to using things like a PowerPoint presentation, a video or any kind of aid that will enhance your idea
  11. Practice
    • Of course, one of the most important of all is to practice delivering the speech. You cannot simply have your eyes down on the speech you wrote all the time. You need to practice stuff like memorizing the speech, hand gestures, eye-to-eye contact and more.

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