VIDEO: 4-Year-Old Girl Catches Massive Catfish W/ ‘Frozen’ Themed Fishing Rod

4-Year-Old Girl Catches 33 Pound Catfish W/ ‘Frozen’ Themed Fishing Rod

4-YEAR-OLD GIRL – A 4-year-old girl caught a massive flathead catfish while fishing with a “Frozen” themed fishing rod.

Lots of people loved fishing especially the men. They want to bring home food to that they hunt for their family and brags about it to their friends.

However, some people consider catching or hunting fish in the wild is boring. A person has to bring lots of patience while waiting for the big fish to eat their bait.

Photo Source: @LacieLowryNews9 FB

Some dads bring their children to the pond and teach them how to fish. This is considered one of the best bonding time and catching a fish is a plus. Recently, a video of a 4-year-old girl catching a massive catfish with her ‘Frozen’ themed fishing rod went viral on social media.

Photo Source: Shakespeare Fishing

Based on a report from LadBible, the fish she caught weigh around 33 pounds. She obviously has outdone some fishers. It can be seen on the video that Josie and her parents named Ashley and Steve were out on a lake in Illinois, USA.

Photo Source: @LacieLowryNews9 FB

The family noticed that the young girl’s rod suddenly moved. Josie’s dad helped her to get it out from the water but it was too heavy so they used a net to get it. They were shocked by its size.

The young girl looked so excited and adorable after seeing the huge fish. One of their companions said he cannot believe she caught that.

Watch the video below:

The young girl and her father gathered a lot of praise from the netizens. Here are some of their comments on the post:

@Farris Eden: “I’m glad she was able to get that big cat with such a little pole That will be a memory for a life time”

@Joanna Ellison: “Wow! Glad Dad was there to back her up. Bet she’s “hooked” on fishing for life now! Good job!”

@Donna Scott: “That is so awesome Congrats little one & Your Daddy What a catfish Nothing like starting them out when they are young & You all are making great memories”

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