Some important things we need to know about the human skeletal system.
SKELETAL SYSTEM – Here are some of the most significant things and importance of the skeletal system in a human body that we need to know.
The internal framework of the human body is the skeletal system with 270 bones at birth and decreases at 206 as one reaches the adulthood as some bones get fused together. And it serves six major functions: support, movement, protection, production of blood cells, storage of minerals and endocrine regulation. The skeletal system is identified as Axial and Appendicular.

AXIAL SKELETON ANATOMY (this has 80 bones)
- Skull Bones – the adult skull has 22 bones and classified as:
- Cranial – It has 8 bones which form the bulk of the skull and help protect the brain.
- Facial – It has 14 bones and located in front of the skull making up the face.
- Auditory Ossicles – These six small bones are found within the inner ear canal in the skull which is three in each side of the face – the malleus (hammer), incus (anvil), and stapes (stirrup).
- Hyoid – This is where the muscles and ligaments in the neck are attached and it is “U” in shape at the base of the jaw.
- Vertebral Column – There are 26 bones where 24 are all vertebrae divided in Cervical vertebrae (seven bones in head and neck), Thoracic vertebrae (12 bones in upper back), and Lumbar vertebrae (five bones in lower back) along sacrum and coccyx (tailbone).
- Thoracic Cage – This is made up of sternum (breastbone) and 12 pairs of ribs which protects the organs in the upper part of the body which includes the heart and lungs.

APPENDICULAR SKELETON ANATOMY (this has a total of 126 bones as per Health Line)
- Pectoral Girdle – It makes up the clavicle (collarbone) and scapula (shoulder blade) where arms get attached to the axial skeleton.
- Upper Limbs – Each arm contains 30 bones such as:
- Humerus – the long bone in the upper arm
- Radius – this is found in thumb side, one of the two long bones in the forearm
- Ulna – the other long bone in the forearm at the pinky finger side
- Carpals – the eight bones in the wrist area
- Metacarpals – the five bones in hand’s center
- Phalanges – the 14 bones making up the fingers
- Pelvic Girdle – Known as the hips where there are two hipbones, one for each leg and has three parts such as:
- Ilium – the top portion
- Ischium – the curved bone serving as the base of a hip bone
- Pubis – the front part of the hip bone
- Lower Limbs – There is 30 bones in each legs such as:
- Femur – large bone of upper leg
- Tibia – main bone of the lower leg forming the shin
- Fibula – second bone of the lower leg
- Patella – the kneecap
- Tarsals – it has seven bones making up the ankle
- Metatarsal – the five bones making up the center of the foot
- Phalanges – 14 bones making up the toes.
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