Answer To The Question What Is The Loudest Animal In The Whole World?
LOUDEST ANIMAL – In this topic, we will now know the answer to the question what is the loudest animal known in the world.
The loudness or the softness of the sound is measured via a decibel meter (dB). The energy in a sound wave can be measured in decibels. A normal decibel level of a human being is about 60 dB and averagely 110 dB when yelling to the ear.
Now we will now know what animal cries, roars, croaks, or clicks the loudest.
It is the largest toohed whale called cachalot or Spermaceti whale.
The cachalot can produce a clicking noise of up to 230 decibels (dB). It is high enough that it is harmful to the human ear.
It is also the largest toothed predator and is a pelagic mammal that exists worldwide. It migrates occasionally for feeding and breeding.
Aside from that, it also has the largest brain in the whole world which is five times heavier than the human brain. Cachalots can live for more than 60 years.
It got its name spermaceti from the oil it produces. It also got the name cachalot from the archaic French word for “tooth” or “big teeth”.
Other animals in land that have the highest level of decibels are the following:
- African Elephant – 117 dB
- North American Bullfrog – 119 dB
- Green Grocer Cicada – 120 dB
- Northern Elephant Seal – 126 dB
- Moluccan Cockatoo – 129 dB
- Kakapo – 132 dB
- Greater Bulldog Bat – 137 dB
- Howler Monkey – 140 dB
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