Commonly-Known Natural Phenomena And What Causes Them

Commonly-Known Natural Phenomena And What Causes Them

NATURAL PHENOMENA – In this topic, we will now know some of the commonly-known natural phenomena and what causes them to occur.

1. Aurora Borealis or the Northern Lights in Iceland

Image from: Gray Line Iceland

Also known as Australis, it is a type of optical phenomenon wherein it materializes itself in the Earth’s atmosphere with bright lights which are usually red, green or blur. Aurora borealis occurs due to the interaction of protons and electrons from the sun along with the ionosphere of the Earth. Periods of high solar activity enhances this phenomenon more.

2. Sort Sol or the Black Sun in Denmark

Image from: Wikipedia

This phenomenon occurs in the southwestern marshlands of Denmark during March and April. It occurs when at about one million birds fly in the skies during sunset, thus, blocking the sun which inspired the name of this phenomenon.

3. Lightning Storm

Image from: The Independent

A beautiful but also scary type of atmospheric phenomenon. These occur when electrical activity is abundant during a storm. A lightning storm in Venezuela near Maracibo lake has by far the highest rate with a total of 232 lightnings per year and square km. The longest, on the other hand, was recorded in Los Angeles dated July 9, 1999 which lasted for hours.

4. The Moonbow

Image from: Wonderopolis

This phenomenon is somewhat similar to rainbow but unlike it, this is caused by the reflection of moonlight in contrast to the rainbow, which is caused by the reflection of sunlight.

5. Blood Rain

Image from: The Independent

Also known as red rain, this phenomenon was believed to be an extraterrestrial intervention. However, it actually occurs due to the presence of spores in the air and red algae that came from the ocean.

6. Pororoca or Giant Waves

Image from: Strange Sounds

This phenomenon occurs during the full moon in February and March, mostly where the Amazon River meets the Atlantic Ocean. It contains waves up to 4 meters or 13 feet. A most famous theory of this is its etymology came from the language of Tupi as this was callled “poroc-poroc” or “great destructive noise”.

7. Luminous Waters

Image from: Popular Science

Described as glowing water and can only be seen in the night. This phenomenon occurs due to the bioluminescent plankton in the water.

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