BRAIN EXERCISES: Weird But Simple Activities To Boost Your Brain

Here are the brain exercises that will help you become smarter

BRAIN EXERCISES – These weird but simple activities can be your brain exercises to help you become smarter.

Doing some new experiences can enhance the function of your brain. These activities are called “neurobic” exercises and they are like cross-training for your brain, according to Readers Digest.

Brain Exercises
Photo courtesy of Serendipity Lab

Here are the exercises for your brain that can be weird for others but they are easy to follow.

Brushing your teeth with your non-dominant hand

If you are a right-handed person, then try brushing your teeth with your left hand. Start this exercise when you open the toothpaste tube. Studies show that using the opposite side of your brain will result in a rapid and substantial expansion of the cortex parts that control and process tactile information from the hand.

Taking a shower with eyes closed

In doing this activity, you must be careful not to get injured as you will just locate the things that you need in the bathroom by just using the sense of touch. Through this, your hands will identify different textures of your body that you do not see. Then, this will send a message to your brain.

Break your morning routine

There are a lot of people who already establish a morning routine and they are doing things in chronological order. Example, a person may be used to get dressed before eating breakfast or watching the same morning news while drinking coffee. According to brain imaging studies routines and automatic things that a person does mean that there are decreased levels of brain activity in several distinct areas of the cortex.

Turn familiar objects upside down

You can turn the usual things at home upside down such as wall clock, calendar or picture frames. When you see things that are upside down, your right brain networks start to work and tries to interpret the shapes, colors, and relationships of a puzzling picture. However, if you see things as what they should be, your left “verbal” brain function fast to label it and diverts your attention elsewhere. 

Introduce new scent to your nose

Put a new scent that you like near your bed and smell it every time you wake up, after taking a shower and before leaving your house. Linking a new odor to your system will alert new neural pathways.

Scan the products in a supermarket

Take a moment to scan every shelf at every aisle of a supermarket. If you see something new, pick it up and read the label. You don’t need to buy that product but it will give you something new to be learned. It is a rule in the supermarket that the most profitable products are placed on customers’ eye-level.

Connect with other people

Instead of buying coffee from a vending machine buy it from a person. Instead of paying bills online or just swiping your credit card at the pump, go to the person at the counter. According to studies, the lack of social connection has severe negative effects on overall cognitive abilities.

Try a new cuisine

Don’t just stick to the usual, explore and try new cuisine. The olfactory system of a human can distinguish millions of odors. This is done through activating unique combinations of receptors in your nose which has a direct connection to the emotional center of your brain With this, new odors may evoke unexpected feelings and associations.

READ ALSO: Exercise Could Boost Memory, Think Better, Other Benefits To The Brain

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