Exercise Could Boost Memory, Think Better, Other Benefits To The Brain

Improve Mental Abilities, Boost Memory, Brain Functions Through Benefits Of Exercise

Having daily exercise can improve the health of the brain and help individuals to think better and boost their mental capability.

Exercise is known to keep our physical body in shape, healthy, and keeps us from preventing, serious diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and other diseases. It also helps individual in losing weight, relieve stress, and prevents depression.

Aside from health benefits provides by exercises in our physical body. It is also beneficial for the brain, it was tested and proven by some research worldwide. Exercise boost our memory and increases the mental ability of our brain.


Daily physical activities reduce the risk of mental illnesses such as cognitive impairment and dementia. It also enhances the blood circulation, improves nerve function, and enhances the psychological, physical, and mental health of a person.

The more physical activities we involve, the more our brain will be charge up. Even 30 to 40-minute moderate exercise including vigorous exercise for 15 to 20 minutes per day will do. Here are more benefits that exercise can provide to the brain.

  • Reduces Stress and Anxiety – Dopamine, endorphins, and norepinephrine are feel good chemical that improves the alertness, moods, and mental ability was released by the body through exercise.


  • Fights and Prevents Depression – BDNF (brain developed neurotrophic factor) were released by the body during exercise. BDNF is a kind of protein that helps a person to fight the symptoms of depression and several mental conditions.
  • Reduce the Risk of Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease – Age-related diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease can be prevented or reduce the risk of it by having proper exercise.
  • More Brain Cells – It promotes good blood circulation and delivers a sufficient amount of oxygen to the brain. It also stimulates the production of noggin, which produces neurogenesis and stem cells.
  • Improves Concentration and Focus – Physical activities calms the nerves, clearing the mind, improves, the concentration, attention, focus, and learning abilities of a person.

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